I just finished Daredevil.
Umm... I'm not sure how I feel about this movie. It's not the best of Marvel, but it's somewhat underrated. People don't talk about Daredevil at all.
You ever heard of Daredevil? He's like the Batman of Marvel. Like seriously. His father died, and he apparently is doing stuff he does because of that. And he talks about justice. Batman chose his outfit to scare his opponents, and seems like so did Daredevil. But the difference is how much more bad ass is Daredevil. His not so rich that he could easily buy the stuff he needs to be a "superhero." He's just good, since all his senses are so accurate. Except that he's blind. Which makes him so bad ass.
The story wasn't so interesting, and also Elektra's fate is really disappointing. But also I got really interested in Colin Farrell, who played Bullseye, one of the bad guys. Since there seemed to be quite many of them. But I don't know, there just was something about Bullseye and Farrell, I don't even know what it is.
And even though I will always think that Daredevil is kind of better than Batman, I'd rather watch Batman. You get me?