Sunday, 20 January 2013

"Did you know that Ted Bundy's first dog, a collie, was named Lassie?"

This is why I'm really here. American Psycho was a new film I saw in 2013. Only problem I had with the movie: it said it was uncut, but seriously... I thought it would be really violent and all that, but it wasn't. So what the fuck is "cut" version like, because seriously. But someone said that there's only 20 more seconds in the uncut version. How lame is that? 

Especially when I was warned like "It's so distressing and horrifying" and blah blah blah, but I didn't... think so. I don't know. 

I haven't still finished the book, but this movie was slightly different. The order of things that happened was different. And I think there's a bit more in the book: I mean the part where he actually is nuts. I mean in the movie: what was there? Only the ATM said "Feed me stray cats", that was all. And the fact that one of the people he killed, well... it seemed like he wasn't dead after all. 

I think I need to see this again. Or just read to book and try to figure the movie out too.

I really enjoyed Bale's role, he was brilliant. Because he didn't over do it, because Bateman hid everything so well, but then again he lost it at parts and just... you know.

[I'm ashamed of my really short bad review but I don't want to delete all the reviews that are really short and bad. With love, Misto from 2014.]

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