Sunday, 17 March 2013

"Well, she did quite a spread on Tony last year." "And she wrote a story as well."

My dad borrowed that Avengers box fro his co-worker. It includes both Iron Man movies, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers. I haven't seen like... three of them, so I started last night with Thor, and I watched the first Iron Man in the morning, and now I'm only left with the ones I haven't seen yet - and the Avengers, but.

Actually I'm not even sure if I liked this movie or not. I mean we got a better picture of Tony in this movie, and this movie almost ripped my heart out, because he was getting poisoned by ... Oh god, I don't remember the name of the element they used in his heart to prevent the.. shards... Ok. Anyway. I mean this was a thing I liked in the movie, it wasn't just basic superhero fighting against bad guys, he also had personal issues. And not issues like Peter Parker had, romance and stuff and relatives, or Bruce Wayne, losing all his money. No, Tony's life was at danger.
Another good thing I loved was Black Widow. I love Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow, she's so brilliant. And the character was absolutely gorgeous, she's just so... she's a perfect example of a strong female character. She's amazing.

But what I didn't like was... well the plot was pretty cheap. It was pretty boring. Well, on the other side, we had Whiplash, which I hadn't heard much before this. I had fought against him in that lame Avengers Alliance game, or whatever it was, but yeah. But still, his part wasn't as important as some villains have. He was just as lame as the villain in Green Lantern... Hector Hammond, right?

But Iron Man 2 was an alright movie, I certainly can watch it again some day. Just not... not soon. 

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