Saturday, 23 November 2013

"And be grateful. Our scars have the power to remind us that the past was real."

So I watched Red Dragon.

Let me start with the first thing on my mind about this movie. Why is Anthony Hopkins' name first? Why is Hannibal portrayed as the main character? His role was unbelievably small, and he wasn't even the main villain. Huh! Okay, well, I'll see the other ones, maybe he has bigger role. (After all this was the last one, even though in chronological order it was the first.)

Why did I watch Red Dragon? I've started to watch Hannibal, the TV show. It's incredible. It's really thrilling. But yeah, I've only watched one movie, but I can almost without a fail say, that I will always like the TV show more. It's more complex.

Anyway, I loved Edward Norton as Will Graham. I'm pretty sure Hugh Dancy has learnt from an example. Ralph Fiennes was amazing as well. 

One thing I liked the most was Danny Elfman's (seriously, that guy is in everything) music. It was eerily beautiful, as always. But doesn't beat the music in the TV show.

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