Saturday, 7 February 2015

"I trust everyone. It's the devil inside them I don't trust."

A team stealing gold is betrayed by their accomplice, who kills one of the members after running away with all the gold. Years after that, the same team hires the daughter of the killed member to steal the gold back.

That plot is almost impossible to explain without using the names (which is really annoying to do in a summary), because it just looks messy. But then again, the plot of The Italian Job is kind of messy and unrealistic and everything. It's not very well written. It's based on a British movie by the same name made in 1969, There are more writers in the remake than in the original, so I don't know how much of the original movie is saved in this Hollywood remake. We all know how Hollywood loves to make remakes? Well... sometimes it could be better if you didn't do it, like in this case. The world could've survived without The Italian Job remake.

There's one thing I'm really convinced about. No matter that Mark Wahlberg's name is the first one mentioned, Charlize Theron played the true main character. Even if we saw more of the male characters, it was Stella we learned the most of. Mostly we were following everything, maybe not through her eyes, but somehow through her thoughts and emotions. She lost her father, and even though she wasn't a thief, she wanted revenge. We sort of joined the team with her and not anyone else. I also love how she was portrayed. She was smart as whip, loved to drive fast cars but also got really uncomfortable and disgusted when Steve tried to hit on her. Maybe I've been watching the wrong movies (in a way The Italian Job is one of those wrong movies) but I've never seen a female character showing openly how uncomfortable disgusting slimy men like Steve can make us. Of course she was written sort one one-dimensional, but oh wait, so were all the characters.

Of course The Italian Job had the same problems as every damn action movie has. They are almost boring. There may be explosions and car chases and all that, but those are so annoying to follow and watch. Especially the car chases are so annoying to listen to. The only kind of action movies I like are the ones made by Tarantino, and usually they don't even have that much action. Like in Reservoir Dogs, you could only see what happened before and after the "action". That was very good actually, but look at this other garbage we have. Many people could disagree, but I don't find action movies exciting or anything, they are just boring. There's action and then few funny lines and few "deep" lines and more action. 

I'm not just disliking The Italian Job because of it's an action movie, but because it's so generic action movie with nothing new to offer to the audience. And that's the worst kind of action movie. Sure, it's good if you're bored and don't want to watch anything interesting or even remember much (because who remembers what happens during car chases? I still don't remember that bike, helicopter chase / fight scene in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, even though I've seen that movie too many times). It's okay to watch if you just want to waste time and have a few laughs with friends etcetera, but if you're writing reviews then you find yourself getting bored at action movies.

3 / 10

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