Tuesday, 3 May 2016

21 Jump Street (2012) & 22 Jump Street (2014)

Directed by: Phil Lord & Christopher Miller
Written by: Michael Bacall (screenplay), Michael Bacall & Jonah Hill (story), Patrick Hasburgh & Stephen J. Cannell (television series)

Schmidt and Jenko were together in the same high school, but in different circles: Schmidt was a nerd and Jenko was a cool jock. Now they are both (underachieving) policemen and best friends. They are sent to a local high school undercover, where they realise their old roles are in reverse: Schmidt is hanging out with the cool kids, while Jenko becomes friends with the nerds.

22 Jump Street is on Netflix, but this one wasn't, so I rented this one. 

To be fair I didn't expect to enjoy this movie as much as I did. 21 Jump Street is hilarious. Of course many of the jokes are typical and disgusting and annoying, but a lot of times the jokes and the absurdity of the situation just becomes absolutely hilarious. A good example is when they have to take the drug in front of the guy selling them, and then the rest of their day goes so wrong in ridiculous way. 

Probably the best joke is when Deputy Chief Hardy says "We're reviving a canceled undercover police program from the '80s and revamping it for modern times. You see the guys in charge of this stuff lack creativity and are completely out of ideas, so all they do now is recycle shit from the past and expect us all not to notice." Great irony.

I haven't actually seen the original show, but from what I know there's no point in comparing them like which one is better, since the stories are different and all that. But 21 Jump Street is absolutely hilarious, and just so much better than what I expected.

8 / 10

Directed by: Phil Lord and Christopher Miller
Written by: Michael Bacall, Oren Uziel & Rodney Rothman (screenplay), Michael Bacall & Jonah Hill (story),  Patrick Hasburgh & Stephen J. Cannell (television series)

After (the second time in) high school, Schmidt and Jenko hold on to their aliases and go to college looking for a drug suppliers and dealers.

I though this one would be mostly copying the first one, but I was wrong. Of course 22 Jump Street has a similar structure to the previous film, but still 22 Jump Street manages to be original and not just repeating the first one. While the situations and some characters are familiar, 22 Jump Street is still enjoyable and worth seeing. That's a lot more than I would've expected.

22 Jump street is still as hilarious as the first film. This time a good example of the quality humour in this film was the good trip / bad trip when Schmidt and Jenko are on drugs. I also thought that I had seen the funniest bit - how the relationship between Schmidt and Maya became extremely awkward. But even if I knew how that was going to go, it still was so ridiculous and hilarious, oh my god. 22 Jump Street also had amazing fourth wall breaks, mostly about the budget. Same could go with how much older Schmidt and Jenko look compared to the other students. It's like when you're watching a tv show and all the high schoolers are played by fully grown people.

This film is hilarious and so much fun. I thought I'd rate it lower than the first one, but I guess I was wrong about this one - just like the first one. But still, if I'd have to choose one, I'd go with the first one. Something about it just makes it so much more interesting. It's not necessarily funnier or more thrilling, but it's like the first time you see a film and it's so much better than the second time. I guess that applies to this case as well.

8 / 10


  1. Hei! Kirjotat hyvin! Täytyy jäädä seuraamaan.. Oli ihan pakko kommentoida kun huomasin että haluat tehdä elokuvia ammatiksesi! Mahtavaa! Niin minäkin! Opiskelin Vancouver Film Schoolissa näyttelemistä ja nyt asun Vancouverissa koska täällä elokuvameininkejä riittää. (Kirjoitin opiskeluajalta blogia: canadiaries.blogspot.ca)
    Missä opiskelet/ mihin meinaat opiskelemaan alaa?

    1. Hei, siistiä, mäkin jossain välissä katsoin tuota Vancouverin Film Schoolia, mutta ajattelin, että jos voin opiskella Suomessa, niin voin muuttaa myöhemmin ulkomaille töihin. Ja hain kevään yhteishaussa Aaltoon käsikirjoitukseen, Teatterikorkeaan ohjaukseen, Metropoliaan käsikirjoitukseen, Turun AMK medianomiksi ja TAMK:iin myös samalle alalle. Teatterikorkea on jo sanonut, etten pääse valintakokeisiin asti, mutta sinne pääseekin vuosittain kaksi, joten en kauhean innokkaasti sinne odottanutkaan pääseväni. Mutta toivon vain, että joku noista nappaa!
      Ja kiva kuulla, että joku muukin on seurannut haaveitaan. Nyt tulee vähemmän toivoton olo tulevaisuuden suhteen :D

  2. Hei! Kirjotat hyvin! Täytyy jäädä seuraamaan.. Oli ihan pakko kommentoida kun huomasin että haluat tehdä elokuvia ammatiksesi! Mahtavaa! Niin minäkin! Opiskelin Vancouver Film Schoolissa näyttelemistä ja nyt asun Vancouverissa koska täällä elokuvameininkejä riittää. (Kirjoitin opiskeluajalta blogia: canadiaries.blogspot.ca)
    Missä opiskelet/ mihin meinaat opiskelemaan alaa?
