Friday, 12 May 2017

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 19

Day 19 - Your favourite actor: Robert Carlyle

My love for Robert Carlyle has taken me to some really weird movies. Weird because what they are about (Ravenous) and weird because they are honestly just so bad (Eragon). The first movie I saw him in was Trainspotting, but before that I had seen one episode of Once Upon A Time, and also that mini series about Hitler that scarred me when I was 14 and we watched it in history class. 

I was going to type "I don't know what made me like Bobby" but I do. He was weirdly hot as Francis Begbie in T2 Trainspotting and that started it all. I wish I had a better reason for this.

Bobby is extremely talented and has done such a variety of movies it's been a pleasure for me to find cool movies starring him. 

My favourite movies starring Robert Carlyle:
- Trainspotting
- T2 Trainspotting
- The Legend of Barney Thomson
- The Full Monty
- Ravenous 
- 28 Weeks Later

My other favourite actors include Edward Norton, Will Arnett, Will Smith, Mads Mikkelsen, Clifton Collins Jr. and James McAvoy. 

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