Sunday, 24 February 2013

"It's the wood that should fear your hand, not the other way around. "

And yes, I had to watch the second part again. Mostly because these were meant to be one film, but it would've been too long, so they cut it in halves.

The movie was great. The only things that bothered me: I hoped there would've been more of Pai Mei's training for Beatrix. And then there's the ending, which I can not reveal to you. I'm very disappointed in the ending. And I do not mean Bill's death, I mean the fact that her daughter was still alive. I mean how did she gave birth the her while she was in a coma? I mean seriously. But yeah, otherwise the movie was just great. And I think the first half was better. Probably because I loved O-Ren so much.

[I'm ashamed of my really short bad review but I don't want to delete all the reviews that are really short and bad. With love, Misto from 2014.]

Saturday, 23 February 2013

"Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords. "

Kill Bill was wonderfully extravagant. I don't have much of memory of the film, seriously, I watched two films after this one. But I enjoyed every minute of this. It was a bit like Looper - not in plot of course, but it had so many little things that I love in movies. I'm looking foward to watching the second one. I think this one goes to my list of favourite movies. Seriously.

[I'm ashamed of my really short bad review but I don't want to delete all the reviews that are really short and bad. To be honest, this one was only short because there was a lot of bullshit about how I had friends over and we watched this movie and so on, blah blah. With love, Misto from 2014.]

Saturday, 16 February 2013

"We're not a hugging family"

Since I saw Looper I've been excited about Good day to die hard. Usually, when you're excited for a movie, you get disappointed. And now it was truly a danger, because seriously, fifth Die Hard -movie? So many things can go wrong. But my secret? I didn't think about the plot before I saw the movie. Well, I knew something, but all my info was based on the trailer, which doesn't give us much information.

I thought the movie was alright. Not the best one, but... well, maybe the second worst. I'm sorry, but I have to say this: the second movie, directed by our beloved Renny Harlin, was the worst. This was shorter than the others, I guess, but there was something that I seriously needed for the all movies: Jack. Jack hadn't had a single line in the movies. In the first movie only Lucy had something to say, and we saw Lucy in the fourth movie again, and Jack just now.

Some people were complaining about it, that it was.. well forcedly made. But I think it was good, because:

In the fourth movie Holly has left John, and his kids won't talk to him. In the fourth movie, Lucy starts talking to him again, and in the end of Good day to die hard all McClanes are together at last. Well, not Holly, but John and his kids. And I think that was a perfect ending.

If they make any more of these, I will be angry.

Monday, 11 February 2013

"This is amazing! You are literally like my musical soul mate."

This movie was so sweet. I wanted  to watch something romantic for a change - I may have mentioned I don't like romantic movies - and it was either this, The Fountain, or 500 Days of Summer. Well, I've seen 500 days of Summer like three times, and if I had watched Fountain, I would've cried all night. So I decided to go with something I hadn't seen.

I am not disappointed. I love Kat Dennings so much, and well yes, Michael Cera too. And I loved how music had a important role in this. And it wasn't like MUSIC IS SO THE BEST THING ON EARTH, it was like... they loved music - everybody loves music - and what's most important, they loved the same music. And when Nick made mixed CDs for her ex-girlfriend, who threw them away, Norah took them, and Norah loved them. It was so sweet. 

When I realised that Nick's bandmates were all gay, I was almost afraid how they would ruin it, and each and everyone of them would be a cliché, but no. They were all different characters, and it was cool. 

I simply loved this movie, it was so fresh and sweet and everything. One of those romantic movies that I could actually watch more than once. 

Saturday, 9 February 2013

"When did they start allowing women of the night on the estate grounds?"

It was kind of fun to watch a Burton film after I just yesterday said, how Burton is terribly overrated movie director, and how Johnny Depp is also very overrated, compared to Leo Di Caprio. Ok. 

Dark Shadows was OK. Because I'm not entirely sure, what's the original TV-series like. It could be so much better, but also so much worse, so. But I'm glad that vampires here were the classic vampire thing, and not... something... weird. Like people like to change vampires and all the myths nowadays so much it makes me sick.

But one thing made me wonder... "Victoria's" parents put her away, and I just couldn't see what was wrong with her. What we saw was that she was talking about her doll, and doll's hair and all that. That wasn't a proper reason to put someone in asylum, I mean seriously. Didn't Burton want us to see the whole story, or did he think that was alright? Because it wasn't. And how the fuck was Victoria Josette in the end? She saw the ghost of Josette, OK, but how the fuck was she... her? And why didn't we see how Victoria turned into vampire? She just was dead one second and then she was a fully turned vampire. I wanted to see how it happened, because we couldn't see it properly even with Barnabas.

I feel really bad, but I really loved Angelique, the witch. I think she was brilliant, because she wasn't just the bad guy without any motives, but she had a motive, she loved Barnabas, and I think that's perfectly good motive. ...Until it was taken too far. I mean no one, no one would go so far just to get a man to love oneself. 

Saturday, 2 February 2013

"I'll be back before you can say Blueberry pie."

I was supposed to watch Pulp Fiction last week, but... I watched it now. It was really good, I loved how there was three different stories and in the wrong order, I mean few scenes were there twice, and then the second part was first, third part second and first part last. It was kind of cool.

The first part was when Vincent took Mia out, because his boss asked him to. And there was this famous dance part. I never realised how fucking lovely Uma Thurman actually is. And I never noticed how hot John Travolta is. Well, I don't know if he's hotter in any other movie, but he sure was cool in this.

The second part... was the part which is why I watched the film: Butch, played by Bruce Willis. And I've never seen him being as hot as he was in this. Like.. wow. And the funny thing is how he was a boxer, and then in the end, he killed that guy with a sword. I have two plastic swords and boxing gloves. Kinda weird, I don't know if you think so, but I do.

The third part was the one were Vincent accidentally killed a guy in the car, and were Jules found god or something like that. Oh yes, Samuel L. Jackson is hot as hell too. And it was funny, how in the first scene from the film was in the last scene too. And yes, Tim Roth is hot too.

Anyway, the film was great, and you should see it.