Saturday, 9 February 2013

"When did they start allowing women of the night on the estate grounds?"

It was kind of fun to watch a Burton film after I just yesterday said, how Burton is terribly overrated movie director, and how Johnny Depp is also very overrated, compared to Leo Di Caprio. Ok. 

Dark Shadows was OK. Because I'm not entirely sure, what's the original TV-series like. It could be so much better, but also so much worse, so. But I'm glad that vampires here were the classic vampire thing, and not... something... weird. Like people like to change vampires and all the myths nowadays so much it makes me sick.

But one thing made me wonder... "Victoria's" parents put her away, and I just couldn't see what was wrong with her. What we saw was that she was talking about her doll, and doll's hair and all that. That wasn't a proper reason to put someone in asylum, I mean seriously. Didn't Burton want us to see the whole story, or did he think that was alright? Because it wasn't. And how the fuck was Victoria Josette in the end? She saw the ghost of Josette, OK, but how the fuck was she... her? And why didn't we see how Victoria turned into vampire? She just was dead one second and then she was a fully turned vampire. I wanted to see how it happened, because we couldn't see it properly even with Barnabas.

I feel really bad, but I really loved Angelique, the witch. I think she was brilliant, because she wasn't just the bad guy without any motives, but she had a motive, she loved Barnabas, and I think that's perfectly good motive. ...Until it was taken too far. I mean no one, no one would go so far just to get a man to love oneself. 

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