Saturday, 23 February 2013

"Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords. "

Kill Bill was wonderfully extravagant. I don't have much of memory of the film, seriously, I watched two films after this one. But I enjoyed every minute of this. It was a bit like Looper - not in plot of course, but it had so many little things that I love in movies. I'm looking foward to watching the second one. I think this one goes to my list of favourite movies. Seriously.

[I'm ashamed of my really short bad review but I don't want to delete all the reviews that are really short and bad. To be honest, this one was only short because there was a lot of bullshit about how I had friends over and we watched this movie and so on, blah blah. With love, Misto from 2014.]

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