Friday, 3 January 2014

"When I spit in the eye of the gods, then I'll smile."

Look, I started with the new movies already. Clash of the Titans is the first movie I've seen in 2014. And to be honest, what would be a better start for the year than an action film based on ancient Greek mythology. ...Or something.

The effects were pretty awesome. In the opening credits were Io told the back story he effects had a somewhat 3D feeling, even though I wasn't watching it in 3D. And also, thank god for that back story, otherwise I would've been a bit lost, not knowing what exactly it was about. Of course I would've eventually figure it out, but I didn't check at all what the movie was about, so at least I got a bit of knowledge about the movie. 

 Casting was great, but also a bit... Well, watching the big three of Greek gods. Zeus has trained Batman, Poseidon created Wolverine and Hades ate that Red Dragon painting by Blake. Ha! Also, at first I was like "Damn, Perseus isn't bad at all, he's pretty hot", and after Draco is on screen I go all "oh lord mercy." Yup, that's the power of Mads Mikkelsen. ... Yes, he was in this, that's why I watched the movie.

If I have anything to complain it's probably whitewashing. I mean it's ancient Greek, I don't think they were that white there. But I don't know. Also there weren't so many ass kicking ladies as I'd wish, but Io, or whatever her name was, was a pretty awesome character. And I also liked badass Medusa with the bow and all. 

But Clash of the Titans wasn't bad at all. It was just alright as any action packed film, no more or less.

(I needed shorter tag than "new films I've seen in 2014" so for this year it shall be movie watching project 2014, so yeah.)

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