Well, I didn't thought I'd say this about a movie, but I loved the sequel more than the original - and for other reasons that Anthony Hopkins, whose performance I must talk to you later. But I liked the plot more, it was interesting, and I loved the bad guy more. Seriously, he was more interesting than the bad guy in the previous movie - who was some sort of vice-president who went crazy in the war and killed people, and then he even wasn't the bad guy and everything was really complicated! But it was much clearer here - well at one point - and the bad guy was jolly good, all my love to him.
Well, now it was easier to me to realise the names of the characters! Maybe they just said the names more often. And again, someone had hired someone to kill Bruce Willis' character - whose name is Frank, by the way. I don't know if I prefer Karl Urban's version of this characters or Byung-hun Lee. Not that they are the same character, just the type of character, and what's their in purpose in the plot. But Byung-hun Lee also did a marvellous job.
Oh yes, the plot. Well, someone has published something on Wikileaks, about something called "Nightshade", which appears to be a weapon of mass-destruction, created by Doctor Bailey, who the main characters thought was dead. But, Bailey has been locked up for 32 years. And so, they free this man, and they go find the bomb, trying to get rid of it. This is probably not what would be said on the cover of the movie, but that's how I'd explain it.
Now I could talk about Anthony Hopkins, since his character was a new add. Well, a new add that was interesting, and a bit useful to the plot, I mean that Russian agent, Katja, wasn't that important to the plot and she still was there, I don't know. But Anthony Hopkins played Dr. Bailey, which sort of was funny... Since, uh, he was locked up in "asylum for the criminally insane", and when they opened up his cell, he was listening to classical music. But... it took few seconds and your realise his character was far from Hannibal Lecter. But seriously, Hopkins is amazing actor, and I guess it's partly his fault that Red 2 was so much better than the first one.
Again, maybe the plot isn't anything special, it's an action film plot, but I enjoyed it nevertheless. Definitely worth watching, and I will probably watch it again one day.
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