Friday, 11 September 2015

"I only work in black and sometimes very, very dark grey."

Year: 2014
Directors: Phil Lord & Christopher Miller
Writers: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Dan Hageman & Kevhin Hageman.

"The evil plans of Lord Business to ensure order in his world with a powerful weapon is in jeopardy as a prophecy about 'Special' comes true with the discovery of 'Piece of Resistance'. With odds like Bad Cop, Micro managers and 'Man from upstairs' stacked against him during his journey to save the world; Emmett, a construction worker, has a long way to go before he succeeds."
- Summary written by PipingHotViews

My sister and I were about to watch the Big Hero 6, only to find out it wasn't on Netflix. Anyway, we decided to watch the Lego Movie, and if I'm completely honest, I probably will prefer Lego Movie over Big Hero 6 any day.

The world in this movie is amazing. It feels limitless and imaginative - which exactly has always been the strength of the toys too. You can build anything and your imagination is the only limit (apart from you know, not having enough pieces.) I love how they didn't just make a dumb funny movie, but actually captivated the power Legos have always had. I mean, they are without the doubt the best toy there is. Okay, enough about how great Legos were. But yeah, the best part about the movie is how amazing the world is. Yeah, there are many pop culture characters there, like Batman, but it isn't just a crossover of many things, the pop culture characters just are like a nice spice there. Sure, they aren't completely loyal to the originals, but who cares, they were fun.

Another amazing thing about the world is how it plays with many levels of reality. Of course there are the many different worlds in the Lego worlds, but that isn't all, as you can guess by the 'Man from upstairs'. 

The plot is good. It is of course simple, but what do you expect from a movie that suits for the whole family. Simple story doesn't mean the story wouldn't have many meaningful lessons. Not that I'm going to list them all. There are probably better lists out there that also explain things and introduce different views. Anyway, the plot was intriguing. One of the elements are the different levels of reality. That brings so much depth to the story. And it is also very exciting. I was eager to see the end, because like many great movies, it actually made you think "how are they going to survive this".

But the Lego Movie is hilarious. The humour is so absurd at times, but it isn't just absurd humour. There are many different kind of humour. Sometimes putting many kind of jokes together doesn't work and it's just kind of "Decide already!" but it works in Lego Movie, since it's intended to be funny to people of all ages. I cracked up many times, the first one was at "Lord Business". 

And the animation! Oh, it looks so smooth and nice, but also it is hilarious when needed to be. Even if it wasn't stop-motion, it has the same strengths with that technique, since it's made to look the same way. 

The voice acting in this movie is great, though it would be nicer if they used actual voice actors instead of typical Hollywood actors. Sure, Chris Pratt is great, but what about... Billy West? That would've been great. Of course my favourite was Will Arnett as Batman. It might have something to do with me watching both seasons of BoJack Horseman in four days. 

Summa summarum, the Lego Movie was hilarious and original, even if the story was pretty much used. I do not regret for one bit that I saw this movie, even if I was suspicious at first.

8 / 10

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