Friday 15 August 2014

"Humans are cowards in the face of happiness. It takes courage to hold on to happiness."

Kamikaze Girls is a story of unexpected friendship between a girl who loves rococo and lolita dresses, and a girl who is a member of a biker gang.

I once saw a powerpoint presentation made of this movie. The presentation was trying to make people watch the movie. The movie seemed interesting, so I really wanted to see the movie. One other thing that maybe affected my decision was that Anna Tsuchiya played Ichigo, the biker chick. Anna Tsuchiya is one of my favourite Japanese musicians.  Her music is very cool.

The first notion I made while watching the movie wass the special effects. They were a bit like the special effects on Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.. You know, very cool but sometimes over the top. Like they might really annoy someone. I liked them, except for few parts they almost gave me a headache. Also the humour was sometimes a bit over the top, but it worked. Especially that it wasn't just funny all the time, I mean there were some serious moments, mostly main character Momoko's monologue and all that.

I really liked the story. It was really sweet, but not too much. I mean it had its rough parts and serious parts and funny parts. But what I really liked was that it was a story of a friendship between two girls. It was about them with no useless romance and boys involved. 

I really do recommend Kamikaze Girls to anyone, who isn't afraid of movies in other languages than English. Well, also if you can't stand movies that don't have male lead, then you probably shouldn't bother. But then again, I can ask, why the hell wouldn't you want to see a movie with female leads?

And for some reason I have nothing better to say. Huh, I don't know why. I guess school has taken its toll on me. Next review will be better and longer, I promise. 


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