Sunday 17 August 2014

"If you're receiving this transmission, make no attempt to come to its point of origin. There is only death here now, and I'm leaving it behind."

The passengers on Prometheus are on their way to a moon which some of them believe holds the key to all the meaningful answers about human life. They believe that moon is or was inhabited by what they call "engineers" who created, well, human beings. But when two crewmen left outside because of a storm go missing, the idea of the trip may not seem so tempting anymore. 

I remember when I went to see this movie for the first time. I was about 13 or 14, and I was really scared, but I didn't have nightmares. But same things kept bothering me now than they did then. What was the clip in the beginning about? If David had no soul, why did he clearly have a personality? And the second time watching didn't answer any of those questions - mostly because in 4-5 years I hadn't been thinking about the movie. If I had those same questions in my mind while watching, then maybe. Except David. I think his personality will be a mystery forever. Or I just don't know so much about androids.

Usually, if I watch science fiction, I prefer more subtle science fiction - no space. I don't like Star Trek or Star Wars or anything that includes way too many aliens and strange planets or huge spaceships. ... Kinda weird that I like several seasons of Doctor Who... Anyway, even though Prometheus is kind of "ultimate science fiction" with space and aliens and questions about the destiny or origins of human life, I still really liked it. It wasn't too much flying through the space and meeting all kind of aliens and all that bullshit. It mostly took place on that one moon, and searching for one species. And mostly the horror genre was also so clear that it didn't seem like pure science fiction. I paid most attention to all the scariest parts. 

Then again there might be some arguments over if the movie is scary. But I get scared really easily, so there's that.

The music in Prometheus is wonderful. When the main theme came on, it felt like I had been listening to that for ages, even though there really was 4-5 years when I didn't see the movie. And that probably tells you how really incredible the soundtrack is. I mean if I now started watching another movie I had only seen once and hadn't seen in ages, I probably wouldn't think the main theme sounded so familiar, like it had been stuck in my head for ages.

Actors were wonderful - Noomi Rapace is very good. I mean seriously, she portrayed pain so well it was easy to forget she was acting. Michael Fassbender as the android David was also very, very good. Maybe it was Fassbender that subtly gave David personality. His acting was marvellous - it was easy to see that David was programmed to act very human, but you could see how empty every smile was. It was just a polite smile with no meaning. But then again... David clearly had some kind of personality. He was somehow curious and he was an asshole.

But Prometheus is a very good movie, though it is "ultimate science fiction". But what else do you expect from a guy who brought us Alien? Actually I think I should see Alien some day. It seems awfully thrilling. Wonderful.

7 / 10

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