Sunday 9 March 2014

Ruby Sparks / A Change Of Seasons

Today I'm not going to do the whole "quote, movie poster, review" thing, because first of all, both movies I watched last night were pretty bad. And I didn't even finish the first one. And I can't find a good poster for A Change Of Seasons, mostly because I'd rather not put any nudity here and, ha-ha, stuff like that.

Ruby Sparks

Ruby Sparks is about an author, who suddenly starts writing a love novel about himself and a girl he came up with in his dreams. And suddenly, that girl is in his life. She's in his house, cooking, saying she's his girlfriend and everything. And then... yeah. 

I didn't finish the movie, because it was really boring and absolutely nothing seemed to happen. And also, it seemed kind of like Ruby was going to be a manic pixie dream girl, someone so adorably quirky and everything, because she was exactly how she was written. Well, the author's brother says to the author that there are no girls who are adorably quirky, because women are people too, and all that. That was kind of nice. But when the movie went forward, it seemed like the author, Calvin, didn't care about that. And well, I guess that's where I stopped watching. But apparently their relationship wouldn't be just rainbows and ice cream, I believe it got more serious afterwards. But, you know, I didn't see that.

I mostly watched this because I'm a writer, and well, Paul Dano is an interesting actor. I've never seen him anything else than supporting roles. So yeah.

3 / 10 

A Change Of Seasons

In A Change Of Seasons, an English professor is having affair with one of his students, and when his wife finds out, well... after a while she starts an affair with a younger man. And for some reason, they decide to spend the weekend together. Yep, that's right, all four.

First of all, I've made it quite clear I don't enjoy romantic comedies or whatever you may call this, and you may start wondering why on earth did I watch this. ... Well... It has Anthony Hopkins in it, and he wears stupid 70s clothes all the time, so hell yeah I'm going to watch it. Also, I kind of.. expected it to be something else. I thought we'd see the affair Adam Evans (Hopkins) was having develop properly, but no, we don't know how it began. And I thought it'd be more like a drama or something.

But yeah, firstly it seemed to be kind of... boring and not going anywhere. I sort of forced myself to watch it, because I just stopped watching Ruby Sparks, so yeah. But when it started to get going it got really awkward and hilarious. It was so over the top that I don't even know how to describe it.

But, you know, I enjoyed only two things: Hopkins and the movie being hilarious every once in a while. But that's that. Otherwise it was really boring.

It's kind of sad how Hopkins is probably quite uncomfortable with nudity. I mean there are actors who can be completely naked, just cover their junk and everything is fine, but Hopkins kind of... doesn't show anything. It's a miracle if he takes his shirt of. Yes, I'm seriously saying this. Especially in the 70s he looked very pleasing, (and to be honest, he's still very gorgeous) so, you know, it would be kinda nice to see him... with... not so much clothes.

Okay this review took a weird turn.

4 / 10

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