Friday 18 April 2014

"Good call on the cake. I owe you one."

I remember visiting at my grandma's. I slept in the attic, and in the middle of the night I started watching TV because I was bored. I remember The Twins Effect / Vampire Effect being on, and I thought I'd watch it as long as I dared. I was pretty timid those days and I thought that if the movie would be even a bit scary I would stop watching it. Well, I watched it all through, and thus I saw my favourite Chinese movie. 

European Vampire called Duke is trying to get blood from all the royal vampires to open the book called Day For Night to acquire strong powers. Ace vampire hunter Reeve loses his partner, and gets a new one, Gypsy, while Reeve's sister Helen falls in love with Kazaf, who is one of the royal vampires.

The Twins Effect is full of action, which may annoy some of the viewers. What I like about the action is that it's very easy on the eye. It's not confusing and you don't usually have to follow too many things at one. Also, the action is not the type that's in Hollywood movies - mostly gunfire and stuff like that. The action is mostly martial arts, and it's very beautiful to watch. I especially love the sort of useless fight scene between Gypsy and Helen, as well as Helen and Jackie fighting two vampires. It's especially nice to see Jackie - portrayed by who else than Jackie Chan, but who apparently doesn't play himself even though they share the name - fight is nice. I mean Jackie Chan is martial artist, and - apparently - does his own stunts. And well, he really is good. I should watch more movies with Chan in them, just for the sake of seeing him do martial arts, I mean seriously.

Also it's kinda sad how Hollywood movies fail to do what Chinese can do. Or at least Chinese cinema does it better - portraying female characters. Both Helen and Gypsy are amazing characters. I mean, Helen is kinda moody every once in a while, a little petty, very girly and a romantic. Also Gypsy is a romantic, maybe little more boyish than Helen, sometimes really silly. But still, both characters are amazing fighters and courageous. Usually if Hollywood movies have fighter female characters, they are somehow very tomboyish, or incredible sexy. Very few characters are fighters and still like actual human beings. By that I mean not strictly boyish or sexy characters. Of course Hollywood does this sometimes right, but unfortunately often not.

Apparently there are differences between American and Asian releases. I'm pretty sure I have the American release, few scenes I saw in TV have been cut. But then again someone said that some of the scenes cut contained important plot point. I haven't noticed some of those missing, but I can't be sure. I really remember like... one scene missing. And some differences between the translations.

Maybe The Twins Effect isn't the best movie made, but it's worth watching. So if you get your hands on it, I really recommend seeing it. Asian movies are incredibly good.

6 / 10

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