Sunday 27 April 2014

"What's the boy word for 'slut'?" "They still haven't come up with one yet. But I'm sure they're working on it."

Will Hayes' daughter Maya asks Will to tell her the story of how Will met her mother. Reluctantly Will starts telling the story, changing all the names, and suddenly there is three different possibilities for Maya's mother. 

Definitely, Maybe was... well, it was funny. It had a lot of funny moments, and also really not-funny moments, which kind of... doesn't make the movie just "romantic comedy" but a drama as well, but I still don't think there's enough material for a drama, so I'm not tagging the movie as that. 

Basically the idea of the movie sounds very much like the idea of How I Met Your Mother, you know. In the TV show Ted tells very, very, very long story about how he met his children's mother, and the story lasts for 9 seasons / years. Well, Will Hayes doesn't tell the story that long, and when you watch the movie, it's quite different from How I Met Your Mother. I mean that story was mostly about Ted and his friends hanging out and doing crazy stuff in New York. Definitely, Maybe, well... It seems like Will Hayes doesn't have that many friends, and his love life is even bigger mess and all. 

Idea similar to HIMYM was one of the reasons why I watched the movie. Other reason was Ryan Reynolds and Rachel Weisz.

Anyway, after seeing the movie I can realise how I have room for three romantic movies in my life. If we look at romantic comedies, I only like Kate And Leopold. I don't even know why I don't like anything else. Then there is The Fountain, and I don't know if you could call that a romantic movie. It's a very fine drama movie, and it mostly revolves around love. But I can watch The Fountain once a year, because it's a very sad movie. And then of course, there is Secretary. I have no idea to which category that drops into. Romantic comedy or drama? Well mostly it's a story about sexual self-discovery, and I mostly watch it because James Spader, but still. When I have those three, it's very annoying to watch others that are not as... well I don't even know if Kate and Leopold is good, but I like watching it.

I didn't plan on to even write a review of this, because I don't have anything to say. But previously this week I claimed that I make an entry about three times a week. Now I realised that I don't do that, and I felt bad about it, so I made this review, which is one of the lamest I've done. 

5 / 10

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