Saturday 12 April 2014

"You could shake your knuckles at the sky. You could get mad and say I don't got nothing. You could get stuck."

This is the second time I write a review on a movie I've already written a review on. The older one can be read here, but of course I wouldn't read that. I wrote it during the time I wrote like 200 words when doing a review.Jesus Christ, did I even say anything then? And really, the whole review is just full of bullshit. I'm shaking my head while reading this, I swear to god.

Anyway, Hick is a story about 13-year-old Luli, who lives in Nebraska and one day, she just gets sick of all the things she has to deal with at home, she gets really fed up of all the shit she's living in. So, she just runs away, hitch-hikes, and her goal is to get to Las Vegas.

Usually when you watch a movie, it's not so effective the second time you watch it. But with Hick it was different. The movie and the story is really distressing, but I think it was even more distressing now that I watched it the second time. I think it's because I really know the truth, the first time it's more like guessing. This time I know what was truly happening, I knew more than Luli knew. And it's the same thing as with Silence Of The Lambs: You see Catherine Martin getting into the van and you want to yell at her, because you know better. Of course you don't yell. Or maybe you do, how do I know. But the point is, the character can't hear you, and you see them doing a tremendous mistake, and you feel awful because of it. And not the kind of mistake that is pretty comical and hilarious for the audience, but yeah - really distressing one.

But to be honest, the story of Hick is really brutal - and really distressing, I can't emphasize that enough, I think. And to think it's sort of based on a true story. And by sort of I mean it's based on a novel that is a bit based on the experiences of the author. So you have to ask yourself, what has happened to the author, since of course, the story might be coloured a bit. But then again, what didn't the author want to tell? It's really hard trying to figure it out. Of course maybe the information is out there somewhere, but am I interested enough to search for it? No, I am not.

I remember that last time I liked Eddie's character, but this time I was just like "no, no, no, no, you fucking nutjob psycho!" I still liked Glenda, though. She's a great character, really, and has more than one side. Of course Luli's character is great.  None of these characters are close to perfect, but that's the way I like them. I mean what's the point of watching a movie with perfect characters doing everything right? What would be the fucking plot.

Anyway, last time I gave this nine stars. This time it kinda dropped, but still pretty good score, I think.

8 / 10

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