Sunday 13 April 2014

"Who writes your dialogue? Superman? -- You know what? You need a good ghost writer. Somebody with talent."

I don't know if I just used some fan made poster, but I though that was actually very nice. 

Defendor is about Arthur Poppington, who is a bit... slow, and he escapes to a character he has created  - a superhero called Defendor. When he almost accidentally rescues a prostitute, who tells him about a person Arthur calls "Captain Industry", he finally has found a way to avenge his mother's death.

I've always enjoyed this kind of superhero arch. I mean, a person who enjoys superheroes so much they want to become one. So these people don't have any powers, but they still do what they think is right. Another example of this is Kick-Ass. What's the most brilliant thing about these arches is that they are a lot closer to reality compared to other "realistic" superheroes. Defendor and Kick-Ass show that a normal individual could do extraordinary things to protect the city and people BUT they'd probably get killed while doing so. Or if not killed, they'd get theirselves very beaten up.

Defendor was weirdly sad. I mean most of the time the movie wasn't sad, but it made you feel that way. I guess it's because of Arthur's character. Woody Harrelson did a marvellous job portraying the character. I mean I've seen Harrelson play mostly bad ass characters, but he also was very good as a bad ass who's a bit... slow. Really I hate using the word slow, it doesn't describe enough, but I don't know what else to use without sounding like an ableist. 

I don't know if I like this movie. It doesn't stand out very much. The story is great and everything, but I've seen better. I've seen a lot better, and I've seen worse. 

5 / 10

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