Sunday 16 February 2014

"If two members of staff have to fall in love and decide to get married, there's nothing one can say. But what I do find a major irritation are those persons who are simply going from post to post looking for romance."

I almost didn't do a review, but when I said so, Elli said I had to. She wasn't serious but... here  I am.

Remains Of The Day is about a butler, Mr Stevens, who has dedicated his life to his job, and I don't really know how to explain the story. It... Uh... it's about people and all that. I don't know, it's a drama. It's very British with, you know, with lords and butlers and mansions and all that, everyone speaking that typical British English and so on. I don't usually go for this type. Usually I avoid, but I watched this for two reasons: firstly, my mum said it was great. Secondly, I was longing for something calm and almost boring after seeing Slipstream. It's like Slipstream is LSD, Remains of the day is nice camomile tea to calm you down.

First of all, yes, it was very calm and really boring, really long, and it felt like absolutely nothing happened. But, you know, sometimes you can enjoy that kind of stuff. However, I didn't. It would've been great right after Slipstream but I waited a long while so yeah. 

Also, I don't go for romance. But yeah, luckily the romance in this movie was... very... subtle. There basically wasn't any, not between the characters that this is about. But that kind of romance makes me want to start throwing stuff. Especially when you sit there like, "now he's going to tell her about his feelings", but no he doesn't. And I just loved how prevented and stiff Mr Stevens was.

Also, Abigail Hopkins - you know, sir Anthony's daughter - was in this movie. I didn't realise. I don't know if I want to see the whole movie just because of that.

3 / 10

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