Thursday 27 April 2017

30 Day Movie Challenge - Day 04

Day 4 - Your favourite horror movie: 28 Days Later

It was hard to choose between this one and 28 Weeks Later, which is also very excellent, but I guess since this one is directed by Danny Boyle. 

I'm choosing this movie, because I'm not a fan of supernatural horror, re: curses and ghost. That's because I saw Grudge 2 when I was twelve, and while of course it's not a good horror movie, and it's a poor remake, it's still really fucking scarring when you are 12 years old. 

28 Days Later didn't exactly take a unique approach to zombies, and the movie itself isn't exactly one of a kind. It's still well done, excellent and super thrilling. It's exactly what you need out of this genre, so in a way the perfect zombie movie. Or infection, whatever, it's all the same to me.

And let's not forget the amazing soundtrack and the way the audience all of a sudden realises how fond they are of the characters, knowing what usually happens to people in films like this. 

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